Neck Pain Treatments

Neck pain may originate from a problem in the neck region, but it can also radiate down one or both arms. Neck pain causes are often linked to disorders, injuries, or diseases that afflict the various components that make up the neck area, but neck pain can also be referred from somewhere else. If you are dealing with neck pain, Dr. Jeremy Rudkin at Cherryland Chiropractic Centre in Traverse City, MI, can conduct a whole-body exam to identify the root cause and help reduce or eliminate the symptoms.

Neck Pain Symptoms

The neck region contains the cervical portion of your spine. This section is made up of seven vertebrae, known as C1-C7. When the cervical spine is misaligned or under pressure, it can cause varying degrees of pain, and it is of particular concern because essential nerves pass through this region, connecting your brain with your body.

Neck pain can show up as - 

  • Sharp or dull aches.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Tenderness in the neck.
  • Limited range of motion.
  • Headaches.
  • Pain that radiates down the shoulders and arms.
  • Difficulty speaking or swallowing.

Common Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain varies, but many experience pain simply from years of poor posture. Other causes include -  

  • Arthritis.

Approximately 60 million American adults are affected by arthritis, which means joint inflammation and includes dozens of diseases. Arthritis is recognized to be a leading cause of disability in the nation.

  • Traumatic Injury.

Acute injuries such as whiplash, ruptured ligaments, neck sprain, or muscle tears are common during car crashes and mishaps while playing sports or on the job.

  • Muscle Strain.

Overuse and misuse of neck muscles (i.e., hunching over a laptop or smartphone and reading in bed) may wear or overstretch bodily tissues.

  • Disc Degeneration.

The cartilage in the outer ring of the discs that separate each vertebra often breaks down – either as a function of time or an injury. Disc degeneration may be related to genetics and lifestyle.

  • Spinal Stenosis.

This medical condition refers to a narrowing of the spinal canal, in this case, in the neck region. The narrowing can create pressure on nerves, which causes pain and a variety of symptoms.

Neck Pain Treatment Options

These are the options offered by Cherryland Chiropractic Centre that can help relieve neck pain-

  • Gentle Chiropractic Adjustments – with or without instruments.
  • TENS Therapy
  • Neck Traction.
  • Full Spine Traction on a roller table.
  • Massage Therapy.
  • Ice Pack Cryotherapy.
  • Therapeutic Exercises.

Get Neck Pain Relief from a Chiropractor in Traverse City, MI

For more information regarding neck pain relief options, contact Dr. Rudkin or a professional staff member of Cherryland Chiropractic Centre at 231-941-8650 or online

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1209 East 8th St. | Traverse City MI, 49686

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